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蓮井 元彦 / Motohiko HASUI

Material: Photograph, display monitor, photo copy.
Born in 1983 in Yamagata, Japan.
Grown up in Tokyo, Japan. Studied 2003 - 2007 in London. Since 2007, lives and works in Tokyo, Japan.
写真家。1983 年 山形県生まれ、東京都出身。2003 年渡英、Central Saint Martins Art and Design にて、ファウンデーションコースを履修した後、London College of Communicationにて写真を専攻。卒業後、2007 年帰国。以降、東京を拠点に活動する。2013 年、4 年間の日常生活を記録したスナップ写真からなる写真集『Personal Matters』をイギリスの出版社 Bemojake より出版する。その後、『Deep Blue ‒Serena Motola』などの私家版小冊子の発表を経て 2019 年、続編の『Personal Matters Volume II』(Bemojake)を出版。2020 年には写真集『for tomorrow』(Libro Arte)、2021 年には『写真はこころ』(Printed Union)、2023年に『VIATOR SWELL』(Libro Arte)を出版する。G20 大阪サミット 2019では、京都・東福寺で行われたティーセレモニーに際し制作された図録の撮影を手がける。
Motohiko Hasui is a photographer born in 1983 and raised in Japan. He studied Photography in Central Saint Martins Art and Design and London College of Communication. After graduating university, he moved back to Tokyo, his hometown, in 2007. Hasui published his first photobook, compiled from 4 years of snapshots, titled “Personal Matters”, with British publisher Bemojake in 2013. In 2019, “Personal Matters Volume II” was published. In 2020, he published a book of black and white photos titled “for tomorrow” (Libro Arte). In 2021, “Photographs of the Heart” was published. Motohiko Hasui photo book “VIATOR / SWELL” was published in 2023. In 2019, Hasui was commissioned to photograph the culture of the tea ceremony held in Tofukuji temple in Kyoto. The resulting pictures were presented as photobook made for families of presidents and prime ministers attending the 2019 G20 summit in Osaka.


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