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平田 星司 / Seiji HIRATA
Material: acrylic, pigment, water color, polyvinyl acetate, paper, canvas, photograph, video.
Born in 1967 in Tokyo, Japan.
Lived and Worked 1991 – 1996 in U.K. Since 1997 lives and works in Tokyo, Japan.
イギリス ブライトン大学美術部絵画科卒業
The Slade School of Fine Art 大学院絵画科修了
1990年代に絵画の表面への関心をきっかけに、オブジェに直接顔料を塗った絵画的な静物を制作。以来、油性塗料やアクリルの皮膜による絵画、点字の絵画など多様な素材を駆使した作品の多くは、均衡と崩壊の予感を保ちながらカテゴリーに囚われない別の可能性を提示する。個展・グループ展の傍ら2010年、中根秀夫とのユニット「エステティック・ライフ」をスタートし、これまで3回の展覧会の企画を行う。また2013年には香港M+企画による「Inflation!」でWai Ping Tam の制作コーディネータをする。
Born in Tokyo, 1967
Graduated from Tokyo University of Science, Faculty of Science DivisionⅡ, BSC (Physics)
BA(Hons) in Painting, University of Brighton, U.K.
MFA in Painting, Slade School of Fine Art
In the 1990s, his interest in the surface of painting led him to create painted still-life which are applied with medium directly onto the objects. Since then, many of his works using diverse materials such as the film of gloss and acrylic paint, and Braille paintings, present other possibilities that are not bound by categories while maintaining a sense of equilibrium and foreboding of collapse. In addition to solo and group exhibitions, in 2010 he started the unit “Aesthetic Life” with Hideo Nakane, and has organized three exhibitions. In 2013, he coordinated Wai Ping Tam's production for “Inflation!” organized by M+ Hong Kong.
Past Exhibitions
GALLERY KTO Exhibitions
SUB Exhibitions
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